Here, we consider the person rather than the diagnosis or the issue. We believe that each person already has within themselves the resources they need to cope with their situation—but sometimes a little help can go a long way.

Event calendar - L’Éveil, ressource communautaire en santé mentale de la MRC de Coaticook

Event calendar

Pause Santé Mentale journal - L’Éveil, ressource communautaire en santé mentale de la MRC de Coaticook

Pause Santé
Mentale journal

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For partners and the general public

Let’s talk mental health!

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as “a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community.” According to this definition, having good mental health is not just a matter of being free of illness.

La santé mentale - L’Éveil, ressource communautaire en santé mentale de la MRC de Coaticook

Mental illness is defined as changes in a person’s thinking, mood or behaviour that cause distress or suffering. Mental illness manifests as :

  • the physical, psychological and emotional symptoms a person experiences, and
  • signs of change observed by people close to them.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s only human to ask for help!

Our services are available to anyone whose psychological and emotional balance has been disturbed or threatened. We’re here for you!

How’s your mental health?

Take our brief quiz to reflect and find out how you’re doing in terms of your mental health.

I experience unusual physical symptoms (heart palpitations, dizziness, panic, etc.)
Everything looks like a mountain to me
I find comfort in alcohol or drugs me or I take medication to sleep
I have low self-worth
I’m less interested in making friends (I isolate myself)

A few statistics...

Nearly 20% of the Quebec population, or 1 in 5 people, will suffer from a mental illness in their lifetime.
In Coaticook, approximately 11% of adults (18 to 64 years old) suffer from a mental issue. This is slightly less than in Estrie (14%), but similar to Quebec (11%).
Over the past year, 37% of 18-to-24-year-olds have exhibited symptoms consistent with generalized anxiety disorder or major depression.

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